Indigenous Leaders, Environmental Advocates, Fishermen Petition Biden to Revoke Industrial Aquaculture Order

Andrianna Natsoulaslatest, Press Releases

For immediate release: May 10, 2023 Contact: Shane Tan,  Indigenous Leaders, Environmental Advocates, Fishermen Petition Biden to Revoke Industrial Aquaculture Order WASHINGTON, D.C. (May 10, 2023) – Today, environmental and food advocacy groups, fishermen and Indigenous leaders are delivering a petition with more than 2,200 signatures to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) headquarters, urging President Biden’s administration …

Recirculating Farms

Andrianna NatsoulasGet the Facts, Resources

A recirculating farm uses clean recycled water as a basis to grow food. These farms can grow plants (hydroponics), fish (aquaculture), or both plants and fish together (aquaponics). There has been an increasing interest in recirculating farms from the community level to industrial. DCO2 supports these systems that are embedded in the communities for local food production, processing, and distribution. …

Concerns With Offshore Aquaculture

Andrianna NatsoulasGet the Facts, Resources

Curious about the problems with offshore aquaculture -also called offshore fish farming? Check out our fact sheet that outlines the environmental, socio-economic, public health concerns and more! Download it here or click below.

Chef Sign On Letter Against Offshore Fish Farms

Andrianna NatsoulasTake Action

If you are a chef who cares about local foods, our environment, local economies, and good food, please sign onto this letter telling Congress “No! to Offshore Fish Farms” and “Yes! to values-based seafood systems embedded in communities.” Sign the letter here!

DCO2 Comments on NOAA Fisheries’ Draft National Seafood Strategy

Andrianna NatsoulasLetters, Resources

Thank you for this opportunity to provide feedback on NOAA Fisheries’ Draft National Seafood Strategy. Don’t Cage Our Oceans endorses the comments of our member organization, North American Marine Alliance (NAMA), and would like to provide additional comments. First, we welcome an open conversation on how NOAA Fisheries can support national seafood systems in a way that benefits people and …

Food for Thought

Andrianna NatsoulasGet the Facts, Resources

If you care about where your food comes from, you will care about offshore fish farming. The same folks who brought us concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs) on land are now taking them to sea – out of sight and out of mind. Check out our Foodie Offshore Fish Farming Factsheet.

Sustainable Seafood: Oyster Tasting & Panel Discussion

Andrianna NatsoulasEvents, latest

March 22 @ 6pm, Saltwater Grille, South Portland, ME

Truth Behind the US Seafood Trade Deficit

Andrianna NatsoulasGet the Facts, Resources

Proponents of offshore fish farming claim it is the only solution to the US Seafood Trade Deficit. However, that deficit is a numbers game. A close look at US landings, exports, and imports draws a clear picture that the US produces nearly enough seafood to meet the country’s demand. Offshore fish farms is not an answer. By supporting working waterfronts, …

Local Community Members Call On Hubbs-SeaWorld To Stop Their Support Of Planned Fish Farm

Andrianna Natsoulaslatest, Press Releases

For Immediate Release: Tuesday, March 14th, 2023 For Additional Information: Jake Schwartz,, (215) 485-8400 Local Community Members Call On Hubbs-SeaWorld To Stop Their Support Of Planned Fish Farm As a result of Hubbs-SeaWorld’s support in helping design and develop the Pacific Ocean AquaFarms fish farm, residents of San Diego are calling on the pillar of the community to “forget …

Conserve WA’s Wild Fish: Conversation & Film

Andrianna NatsoulasEvents, latest

March 27 @ 7pm, 305 Smith, UW Campus, Seattle, WA