Chef Sign On Letter Against Offshore Fish Farms

Andrianna NatsoulasTake Action

If you are a chef who cares about local foods, our environment, local economies, and good food, please sign onto this letter telling Congress “No! to Offshore Fish Farms” and “Yes! to values-based seafood systems embedded in communities.” Sign the letter here!

DCO2 Comments on NOAA Fisheries’ Draft National Seafood Strategy

Andrianna NatsoulasLetters, Resources

Thank you for this opportunity to provide feedback on NOAA Fisheries’ Draft National Seafood Strategy. Don’t Cage Our Oceans endorses the comments of our member organization, North American Marine Alliance (NAMA), and would like to provide additional comments. First, we welcome an open conversation on how NOAA Fisheries can support national seafood systems in a way that benefits people and …

Food for Thought

Andrianna NatsoulasGet the Facts, Resources

If you care about where your food comes from, you will care about offshore fish farming. The same folks who brought us concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs) on land are now taking them to sea – out of sight and out of mind. Check out our Foodie Offshore Fish Farming Factsheet.

Sustainable Seafood: Oyster Tasting & Panel Discussion

Andrianna NatsoulasEvents, latest

March 22 @ 6pm, Saltwater Grille, South Portland, ME

Truth Behind the US Seafood Trade Deficit

Andrianna NatsoulasGet the Facts, Resources

Proponents of offshore fish farming claim it is the only solution to the US Seafood Trade Deficit. However, that deficit is a numbers game. A close look at US landings, exports, and imports draws a clear picture that the US produces nearly enough seafood to meet the country’s demand. Offshore fish farms is not an answer. By supporting working waterfronts, …

Local Community Members Call On Hubbs-SeaWorld To Stop Their Support Of Planned Fish Farm

Andrianna Natsoulaslatest, Press Releases

For Immediate Release: Tuesday, March 14th, 2023 For Additional Information: Jake Schwartz,, (215) 485-8400 Local Community Members Call On Hubbs-SeaWorld To Stop Their Support Of Planned Fish Farm As a result of Hubbs-SeaWorld’s support in helping design and develop the Pacific Ocean AquaFarms fish farm, residents of San Diego are calling on the pillar of the community to “forget …

Conserve WA’s Wild Fish: Conversation & Film

Andrianna NatsoulasEvents, latest

March 27 @ 7pm, 305 Smith, UW Campus, Seattle, WA


Andrianna Natsoulasblog, latest

Guest Blogger: Christian Wagley, Healthy Gulf The ongoing saga of Manna Farms and their attempt to place an industrial-scale fish farm off Pensacola Beach, FL points-out an inescapable fact about fish farms: With all of the problems they can cause, their promoters are finding it hard to find a good place to put them. The latest such dilemma for Manna …

Media Toolkit

Andrianna NatsoulasMember Resources

Traditional Media Toolkit  Letters to the Editor Why? When? How? Acceptance Tips Sample LTES Opinion-Editorial Piece (op-ed) Topic and Theme Research How To Write an Op-Ed Submission Tip Sample Op-eds  Messaging Offshore Finfish Farming in General AQUAA Act Executive Order 13921 Velella Epsilon Nationwide Permit 56 Hawai’i National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration Letters to the Editor A letter to the …

Public Comment on Draft PEA Aquaculture Research and Development

Andrianna NatsoulasLetters, Resources

RE: Public Comment on Draft PEA Aquaculture Research and Development Don’t Cage Our Oceans is a coalition of 26 diverse organizations representing 4.3 million people, working together to stop the development of offshore finfish farming in the United States through federal law, policies, and coalition building. DCO2 uplifts values-based seafood systems led by local communities. We and our members firmly …