The Center for Food Safety, FarmStand, and the Conservation Law Foundation presented the successes and challenges around litigation and how it can, and has, shown up in our work to fight industrial aquaculture. January 23, 2025.
Comments for Proposed Changes to MMPA List of Fisheries for 2025
Don’t Cage Our Oceans submitted comments to the Office of Protected Resources stating that we support NOAA’s proposal to classify certain aquaculture gear as “analogous” to gear used in commercial fisheries; indeed, a cluster of multiple net pens for finfish aquaculture, each possessing several mooring lines, do and will threaten the lives and behavior patterns of marine mammals. Read the …
Comments on Velella Epsilon Permit
Healthy Gulf wrote comments to the Environmental Protection Agency in response to the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit for Ocean Era, LLC. The draft modified NPDES permit authorizes the discharge of industrial wastewater from a marine net-pen aquaculture facility located in federal waters of the Gulf of Mexico approximately 45 miles southwest of Sarasota, Florida. The facility includes …
Comments: WA State DNR Commercial Finfish Net Pen Aquaculture Rulemaking
Don’t Cage Our Oceans submitted comments to the Board of the Washington State Department of Natural Resources, asking them to codify the rule prohibiting finfish farms in Washington State Waters. The full comments can be read here.
Fish Farm Disasters
Web Tracker Around the world, fish farms continue to face serious problems, ranging from escapements to disease to worker safety concerns. We are tracking these incidences around the world, and updating regularly. Check it out here.
Aquaculture with Values
Fact Sheet The North American Marine Alliance coordinated a vision for community-based, values-driven aquaculture. This vision was a result of surveys, focus groups, and research with members of the Local Catch Network, Don’t Cage Our Oceans, and other allies. Eight main aquaculture values were identified: Food, Stewardship, Community-Based, Access, Equitable Supply Chains, Place-Based Knowledge, Public Resource, Accountability. Check out the …
DCO2 Comment Re: Identifying Aquaculture Opportunity Areas in Alaska
DCO2 submitted comments in response to NOAA’s efforts to identify aquaculture opportunity areas in Alaska. In broad strokes, the request for comment asks stakeholders to provide suggestions over a number of parameters, as NOAA has begun with only considering state waters that are within 25 miles of a coastal community population center, and state waters that do not regularly experience …
DCO2 Comments on the Transboundary Permit Request
At issue is whether Cooke Aquaculture, a Canadian farmed salmon company with a poor track record of environmental stewardship and social responsibility, should be granted a permit to transship farmed salmon from the state of Maine to Canada (for processing), using Canadian-flagged vessels. NMFS has published this opportunity for public review and to comment on this proposal. The application for …