Washington State Got It Right – Will Others Follow?
On November 14th, Washington State’s Department of Natural Resources (DNR) announced they will not renew leases for Cooke Aquaculture’s fish farms in Puget Sound. Due to years of vigilance by community groups, Washington State realized that the legal peril, scientific concerns, and community impacts of these farms could no longer be negated or ignored. The DNR did the right thing, …
West Coast Roundtable
When: Thursday, Nov 15, 5pm PT Speakers: Peter Knutson, Fisherman, Advisor to Puget Sound Harvesters Association TBA Andrianna Natsoulas, Campaign Director, Don’t Cage Our Oceans Where: Zoom – Register HereIndustrial offshore fish farming is the mass cultivation of finfish in marine waters in net pens, pods, cages, and other confinements. These operations contaminate local ecosystems with drugs, chemicals, and untreated …
East Coast Roundtable
When: Thursday, Nov 15, 5pm ET Speakers: Colles Stowell, Founder, One Fish Foundation Jason Jarvis, Fisherman, South County Fish Monger James Mitchell, Policy Director, Don’t Cage Our Oceans Where: Zoom – Register HereIndustrial offshore fish farming is the mass cultivation of fish in marine waters in net pens, pods, cages, and other confinements. These operations contaminate local ecosystems with drugs, …
Connect the dots – industrial scale aquaculture brought to you by Big-Ag
Members and friends of Don’t Cage Our Oceans are noticing a pattern. The industrial aquaculture trade association “Stronger America Through Seafood” (SATS) has been picking up a few Congressional co-sponsors on their “AQUAA Act” – legislation designed to open our public waters to widespread factory-farm style raising of fish. What these Congressional members have in common is that several hail …
DCO2 Roles and Responsibilities
This document provides a background on the various roles and responsibilities of the steering committee, staff and working circles.
DCO2 Internal Structure
This document provides an overview of the internal structure of Don’t Cage Our Oceans. It will be updated and amended, as necessary.
DCO2 2022 Strategic Plan
This document is intended as a tool for Don’t Cage our Oceans to assess and evaluate its purpose, outcomes, and processes. The initial draft was provided by two Coalition partners, Recirculating Farms and the North American Marine Alliance, with the intention of sparking ideas and input from the broader Coalition membership. This is a living document that will be updated …
DCO2 Consensus Platform
This document reflects Don’t Cage Our Oceans’ Consensus Platform. The Campaign Director and Legislative Director may engage in writing, discussions, media, sign on letters, and other expressions of these points. Anything outside of this general messaging, requires discussion, at a minimum, with the Steering Committee, and might require a full discussion with all Coalition members, to decide any ad hoc …