Comments to NOAA regarding the Draft PEIS for Aquaculture Opportunity Areas in the Southern California Bight.

Andrianna NatsoulasLetters, Resources

Don’t Cage Our Oceans submitted comments in response to NOAA’s “Draft Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement for Identification of Aquaculture Opportunity Areas in Federal Waters of Southern California.” Please note that we also endorse the comments submitted by the Center for Food Safety. We support Alternative 1, the No Action Alternative, in which no AOAs would be identified in federal waters offshore of Southern California. In addition, our coalition neither endorses nor objects to the identification of AOAs for aquaculture activities that explicitly forbid finfish farming (e.g., the sub alternatives). While seaweed and bivalve farming are wholly distinct from finfish farming and have far less harmful impacts than the latter, we nonetheless believe that existing state law is best designed to regulate that activity in state waters. Read the full comments here.