Food for Thought

Andrianna Natsoulas Get the Facts, Resources

If you care about where your food comes from, you will care about offshore fish farming. The same folks who brought us concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs) on land are now taking them to sea – out of sight and out of mind. Check out our Foodie Offshore Fish Farming Factsheet.

Truth Behind the US Seafood Trade Deficit

Andrianna Natsoulas Get the Facts, Resources

Proponents of offshore fish farming claim it is the only solution to the US Seafood Trade Deficit. However, that deficit is a numbers game. A close look at US landings, exports, and imports draws a clear picture that the US produces nearly enough seafood to meet the country’s demand. Offshore fish farms is not an answer. By supporting working waterfronts, …

Sustainable Alternatives

Andrianna Natsoulas Get the Facts, Resources

Read on to learn about sustainable aquaculture: Community based fish farming that supports ocean health and local economy.Alternatives for the PeopleAlternatives for Decision Makers