Aquaculture Visioning Report

Andrianna NatsoulasReports, Resources

The North American Marine Alliance coordinated this creation of a vision for community-based, values driven aquaculture. This vision was a result of surveys, focus groups, and research with members of the Local Catch Network and other allies. Eight main aquaculture values were identified:

    • Food - Aquaculture is essential to the overall seafood supply and is vital for healthy and culturally appropriate food systems.

    • Stewardship - Aquaculture production should protect and honor every watershed and ecosystem’s intrinsic ecological value and environmental rhythms on land and at sea.

    • Community-Based - Community-based aquaculture enhances the social, ecological, economic, and cultural fabric of our communities and integrates with existing fisheries.

    • Access - Aquaculture should provide equitable opportunities for new and diverse participants of all ages, genders, races, cultures, and incomes.

    • Equitable Supply Chains - All workers along the seafood supply chain deserve fair living wages, safe working conditions, and work with dignity.

    • Place-Based Knowledge - Local and place-based knowledge is necessary to steward aquaculture operations in harmony with the surrounding ecosystems on both land and sea.

    • Public Resource - We affirm the public trust doctrine and the unique rights of tribal nations in their traditional homelands.

    • Accountability - Fair, transparent, clear, and adequate regulatory planning and enforcement are critical to values-based aquaculture.

Download the full report.