Brett Tolley, the National Program Coordinator for @nama_net was raised in a Massachusetts fishing community where he learned the importance of what it meant to be able to feed your family and your community locally caught seafood. As Brett explains, “Some of my earliest memories of fishing with my father and my brother and catching species like dogfish or skate or bluefin tuna. It was always something that my father loved, he loved the idea of feeding people food yet so much of his catch didn't stay local, I never saw it in restaurants or the grocery store. It always struck me that we weren’t eating what was sourced here. Now we know the data and stats, we know the huge carbon footprint and that fish travel thousands of miles, so I've been driven to address that problem because I know in my heart that the way my father was fishing, focusing on what was healthy and abundant, it felt like plenty [to go around].”
You can help protect coastal families and communities like Brett’s by taking a stand against offshore fish farming.