Akayla Bracey, a Science and Regulatory Manager at Beyond Pesticides, began her opposition to offshore fish farming when she first learned about its impacts on both coastal and marine environments. The harmful agrochemicals that she works hard to regulate at Beyond Pesticides have their counterpart in the fish farming industry. “These chemicals cause harmful algae blooms, fluctuations in the pH balance of the water - which impact coral reefs, and a slew of other direct and indirect effects. The particles from the chemicals that they are applying to the farmed fish are small, they escape the net pens and bioaccumulate in other fish and marine animals - its terrible for all life in the ocean and for anyone who consumes this seafood. Not to mention, the sea lice that they are targeting with these chemicals have built up a strong resistance to them, meaning more and more chemicals will have to be applied to get the same effect.” Keep these harmful agrochemicals out of our waters by keeping finfish free. Learn more about the work Akayla is doing at beyondpesticides.org